From November 8 to 15 in Yakutsk, as part of the scientific activities of the mega-grant, the head of the department of ethnology of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, the chief researcher of the laboratory of the Arctic Linguistic Ecology Laboratory of NEFU named after M.K. Ammosov, doctor of sociological sciences Gabdrakhmanova Gulnara Faatovna, conducted a sociological study of Sakha schoolchildren studying in schools with a outlined ethno-cultural component. G.F. Gabdrakhmanova with 2 junior research workers of the Laboratory V.N. Nikitina, R.A. Danilova, conducted a study in 8 schools in Yakutsk, as a result of which more than 700 questionnaires were received, as well as interviews of experts, parents, which reflected different positions on modern problems of ethno- linguistic and ethno-cultural education. The expected results of this study are to search for models of ethnolinguistic identity of Tatar schoolchildren according to the previous study by Gulnara Faatovna and Sakha schoolchildren, based on indicators of ethnolinguistic self- identification, language competence, attitudes in the field of education, preferences in learning languages, etc. Also G.F. Gabdrakhmanova held a seminar for young researchers of the Laboratory on the methods of sociological research, which are the basis for representative sociolinguistic projects.